
  1. How -Able Lets You Expand Your Descriptive Abilities

    -Able is a cool suffix that allows you to describe things in new and interesting ways. Adding -able to a word makes it into an adjective that indicates something or someone is capable of or worthy of something. For instance, if a doughnut is dunkable, that means it can be dipped into a cup of milk or coffee. Verbs With -Able You’ll most often see …

  2. Week 2 Learning Center For Grades 1–4: Daily ELA Learning Activities

  3. Week 2 Preschool & Kindergarten Learning Center: Daily ELA Learning Activities

  4. Week 2 Learning Center For Grades 9–12: Daily ELA Learning Activities

  5. Week 2 Learning Center For Grades 5–8: Daily ELA Learning Activities

  6. Paramount vs. Tantamount

    Turns out, paramount doesn’t have that much to do with mountains. It does, however, describe something that’s of highest importance. Tantamount, on the other hand, refers to something that’s equal to something else. While the two words sound similar, that’s really all they have in common. Paramount Paramount is an adjective meaning “of utmost importance.” It can also describe someone with the highest level of …

  7. “Palette” vs. “Pallet” vs. “Palate”

    Palette, pallet, and palate are homophones, which means they’re all pronounced the same way, but mean different things. Palette is mostly related to art. Pallet often refers to shipping equipment. Palate has several meanings related to taste. If you’re looking for a little more detail than that, read on. Palette When you picture a painter, you probably imagine them holding a flat board with a …

  8. Week 1 Learning Center For Grades 1–4: Daily ELA Learning Activities

  9. Overwhelm vs. Underwhelm

    These two might seem like straightforward antonyms, but there are a few differences to keep in mind. Overwhelm is a verb that means “to overpower” or “to cover or bury.” Underwhelm means “to fail to impress.” Basically, these words have opposite meanings. Overwhelm Overwhelm is a versatile verb. A situation can overwhelm someone. That same person can be overwhelmed by a situation. They might describe …

  10. Daily ELA Learning Activities For Grades 5–8

  11. Week 1 Preschool & Kindergarten Learning Center: Daily ELA Learning Activities

  12. Daily ELA Learning Activities For Grades 9–12