
  1. These Alcoholic Drinks Are Hiding Behind Regular Words

    You’re out and about, you order what you think is a nice tea or coffee, and surprise! It has alcohol in it!?

  2. Are Political Euphemisms Good Or Bad For The People?

    A euphemism is a gentle word or expression for a harsh or offensive term.

  3. 6 New Words We Need in English Right Now

    English is a vast, glorious language, yet even with its incredible number of words, it feels like it’s still missing some absolute basics. The lack of these words leads to either lengthy clarifications or awkward situations—like getting stuck taking your friend’s llama to the flea market (more on that below). Of course, we can’t just go adding words to the dictionary all willy-nilly, but if …

  4. Farther vs. Further

    Differentiating two words that go the distance… Do you use farther and further interchangeably? You’re not alone. The terms have very similar meanings, and English speakers have been using them as synonyms for centuries. But if you’re ready to get picky, there is one major difference that can guide your usage of these words! The widely accepted rule is to use farther when being literal and …

  5. Getty

    What’s The Buzz About Spelling Bees?

    Do you know what these winning words mean—all the way back to the first Scripps National Spelling Bee, in 1925?

  6. The Lyrical Story Of Punk Rock


    Where Did The Phrase “Fast And The Furious” Come From?

    The continued box office success of the Fast and the Furious franchise gives moviegoers and word-lovers something to cheer about. Beyond the stunning action sequences, though, audiences, including us, actually really enjoy the title itself. That probably has something to do with its alliteration, “a figure of speech in which a consonant sound at the beginning of a word is repeated” (in this case the sound of the letter …

  8. 25 Fabulous Words to Describe Your Furniture

  9. What Are We Gonna Call Self-Driving Cars If “Automobile” Is Already Taken?

    We’ve reached the era of the self-driving car! Congratulations, us. Ford, General Motors, and Volkswagen are all in the autonomous driving game, along with many up-and-comers. Waymo (a division of Alphabet, Google’s holding company) describes theirs as “a safer car for everyone.” In a way, it’s shaky ground we’re standing on. One, because we’re standing on a foundation of dated perceptions of the future, and …

  10. Literary Baby Names

  11. Words With Morphing Definitions

  12. What’s for Sale in Pot Shops?

    Wherever you fall on the issue of whether marijuana should be legalized, the topic is hot news and marijuana shops may pop up in your neighborhood. Do you know what’s for sale in pot shops, also called dispensaries?