
  1. The Magical History Of The Characters’ Names In “Harry Potter”

  2. Bizarre Town Names We Couldn’t Make Up

  3. Tired Slang We Can All Stop Using Now

    Want to sound totally out of date? Continue using worn out slang words from 2016 (and on) in your vocab. But if you don't want to annoy your friends anymore with phrases from yesterday, you better skip on sliding any of these into the conversation (and add a few new phrases instead).

  4. Insect Armies! Terrifying Bug Groups Explained

  5. Press

  6. Where There’s Warmth, There’s Also Coolth: Long Lost Word Pairs

  7. The Best (And Worst) Scandal-Gates

  8. Are These Old Terms Compliments Or Insults?

    Here are some incredible old slang compliments and insults that are so hard to figure out, it’s funny. Like bawcock. That can’t be a compliment. Or can it? You’ll have to take this quiz to find out… If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser.

  9. These Are The Words That Divide Us

    Sometimes it feels as if our country is more divided than it’s ever been. With social media and cable news outlets acting as our own personal echo chambers, it feels like our political differences seem to be dividing us more than ever. But, we should also recognize that this isn’t the first instance of divisive politics in US history. Think about the incredibly tumultuous 1960s, …

  10. French Fries Aren’t French: Names That Went Wrong

  11. Solving the Mystery Of Babbling Baby Talk

    “Baby needa burpie?! Yeees?? [burp] Oh! WHOOOZa good baby? YOU are! Yeeesssssyouare!” Whether you find this adorable or aggravating, gaggles of parents around the world speak to their infants in singsong “goos” and “gahs.” The style has diverse names, from baby talk and motherese (but what about Dad?) to the neutral and more official-sounding child- or infant- directed speech. Whatever you choose to call it, …

  12. International Sayings Lost In Translation