
  1. Weird Words For Crazy Urges We’ve All Had

  2. The Good And The Bad: Words That Can’t Choose

  3. Why Do We Call It A “Wife Beater” Shirt?

    How did a violent term become a piece of clothing? We’re in a bubbling cauldron of gender issues, and they’re boiling to the surface. To contribute to this heated discussion, we think there’s no better time to take wife beater, the slang term for that ubiquitous sleeveless white shirt, to the dump for good. But, how did the violent term become associated with a piece …

  4. getty

    Exercise Caution With These Telltale Idioms

  5. The Current And Confusing Language Of Politics

    We're here to help by providing an insider’s guide to political jargon. Because politics are scary enough.

  6. Misnomer And Other Trending Words On

    Trending words & why they're trending for January 4–January 10, 2018. Including words like misnomer, flea, stalking, misnomer, and s*hole.

  7. Why Did Twitter Change Their Character Limit To 280 Characters?

    We all know by now that Twitter raised their character limit to 280 in 2017. Predictably, this change has inspired hilarious reactions online. Most users are downright gleeful they have a wee-bit more space to tweet. Others are upset, claiming this expansion will ruin Twitter by making it more like Facebook. A few grumpy tweeters have solemnly vowed to never compose a tweet that’s longer …

  8. Millennial Allergies And The Language Affected

  9. Singsong Phrases That Have Musical Backstories

    Popular catchphrases that originally came from songs. From rock-and-roll to rap, musicians have written lyrics that have stuck in our heads, leading them to become part of the vernacular.

  10. Cracking The Code of Millennial Slang


    The Torturous Treadmill And Other Exercise Name Origins

  12. Timeless Quotes From The Worst Movie Ever Made