
  1. Festivus

    Festivus is the name of a secular and non-commercial holiday characterized by the raising of an aluminum pole, the serving of a dinner, the airing of grievances, and the demonstration of feats of strength.
  2. Harlem Shake

    Harlem Shake

    The Harlem Shake is an internet meme that went massively viral in early 2013. It featured short videos of people wildly dancing to a song of the same name.
  3. Laughing Jack

    Laughing Jack

    Laughing Jack is a character in the online horror fiction genre, creepypasta. He is an evil clown who becomes “imaginary friends” with his child victims before brutally killing them.
  4. Navy Seal copypasta

    Navy Seal copypasta

    The Navy Seal copypasta is a comically aggressive monologue written in the voice of a stereotypical “tough guy,” often reposted as a humorous overreaction to any insult, however small.
  5. Poe's Law

    Poe’s Law

    Poe’s Law is a popular adage that says satirical expressions of extremism online are hard to distinguish from genuine ones without indicating intent.
  6. Sophie's choice

    Sophie’s choice

    Sophie’s choice refers to an extremely difficult decision a person has to make. It describes a situation where no outcome is preferable over the other. This can be either because both outcomes are equally desirable…
  7. Twitterstorm


    A Twitterstorm is a sudden flurry of activity about a specific topic on Twitter. It is often started by a single person.
  8. booty shorts

    booty shorts

    Booty shorts are very short shorts, typically worn by women, and intended to highlight or display the butt. Booty shorts generally refer to one of two things: tiny shorts intended for streetwear that can be…
  9. dank meme

    dank meme

    Dank meme refers to viral internet content that, due to overuse or passing trends, has lost its value or currency. It can also refer to exceptionally unique or odd memes.
  10. femdom

    Femdom refers to a woman who is a dominant partner in BDSM sexual activities. The term can also describe the activities themselves.
  11. gender-neutral pronouns

    Gender-neutral pronouns are pronouns which don’t carry any kind of association with a particular gender, such as they, sie, or ze. In English, the term gender-neutral pronouns usually refers to third-person pronouns (generally alternatives to…
  12. i like turtles

    I like turtles

    Taken from a viral internet video and meme, I like turtles is a humorous non sequitur often used to indicate you’re blissfully clueless about a topic.