
  1. This is fine

    Based on a webcomic of an anthropomorphic dog sitting in a burning house saying “This is fine,” this is fine is a meme used as a reaction image in which someone ironically says a situation…
  2. Zerg rush

    Zerg rush

    Zerg rush is an attack strategy that involves overwhelming an opponent with large numbers or ganging up on someone.
  3. basic bitch

    basic bitch

    Basic bitch is a term used to condescendingly refer to women who have predictable or unoriginal style, interests, or behavior. The term has been criticized as misogynistic, though it has been reclaimed, to some extent,…
  4. code of ethics

    code of ethics

    A code of ethics is a set of official standards of conduct that the members of a group are expected to uphold. Code of ethics could also refer to an individual’s personal values or sense…
  5. dry humping

    dry humping

    Dry humping is sexual activity that doesn’t involve direct contact between genitals (dry referring to the lack of bodily fluid exchanged). It can involve various sexual behaviors, including (but not limited to) rubbing or touching…
  6. fuckboy

    A fuckboy is that guy … the one who doesn’t respect women, but relies on them heavily. He’s distant, doesn’t care about other people’s time, and won’t commit. He’s self-absorbed, does stupid things, and fucks with…
  7. hello darkness, my old friend

    Hello darkness, my old friend is a meme used to humorously express despair or existential angst. It is often used as an image caption or as a musical snippet played over a video.
  8. LiveJournal


    Especially popular in the 2000s, LiveJournal is a blogging platform and social networking website that allows users to keep an online diary.
  9. neko


    Neko is the Japanese word for cat. It can refer to actual cats or to characters in anime or manga that have catlike features. Specifically, the catgirl (a woman with cat ears, whiskers, and sometimes…
  10. paleo diet

    paleo diet

    The paleo diet is a diet based on foods which adherents presume were available to Paleolithic humans. This often includes low grain consumption and high intake of protein and vegetables.
  11. red pill

    Red pill refers to (becoming enlightened to) the truth about reality, especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes disillusions. Online, red pill is especially used among anti-feminist and white supremacist groups to…
  12. sneak peek

    A sneak peek is an opportunity to see or experience something before it is officially presented or released to the public.