
  1. Homework Help With

    We’ve created these Homework Help articles, organized by category and reviewed by our lexicographers, to help with any and all online schooling. Take a look! recently launched a new type of content that appears on our definition pages for select terms that students mainly come across during homework assignments. So, fittingly, we’ve called these articles “Homework Help”! Below, we’ve categorized them by subject to …

  2. Ridiculous Clichés Athletes Use After Every Game

  3. Sever And Other Trending Words On

    1. What caused the biggest jump in searches on the week of March 8–15, 2018? The word rehabilitation had a whole lot of people scratching their heads. The term took a 607% leap in searches over the prior week. The spike followed news out of Connecticut that a former University of Hartford student named Brianna Brochu had been sentenced by a judge to “accelerated …

  4. Do You Know These Science Trending Words And Discoveries?

    Test out your scientific knowledge here! (And, if you need a little brush-up on some science terms, check out our Science Terms For Dummies slideshow.) If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser.

  5. Famous Writers And Their Oddball Routines

  6. Foxy, Catty, Fishy: Are These Traits For Animals Or Humans?

    How did these animal terms come to mean traits about humans?

  7. bad to the bone

    bad to the bone

    Inspired by the title and lyrics of American musician George Thorogood’s 1982 song, bad to the bone can mean rebellious in an exciting, attractive way as well as irredeemably bad.
  8. plata o plomo

    plata o plomo

    Plata o plomo is a Colombian Spanish slang phrase that translates to “silver or lead.” A person saying the phrase is telling the listener to either accept a bribe (plata, meaning “silver,” a common slang…
  9. Magcon


    Between 2013–17, Magcon was an event featuring young online stars from platforms like Instagram and the former Vine who toured the US to meet their fans. The name joins the initials of meet and greet…
  10. gender-fluid


    Gender-fluid refers to a nonbinary gender identity or gender expression that’s not fixed and is capable of changing over time.
  11. Sharingan


    In the anime and manga series Naruto, the Sharingan is an ability that allows a ninja to copy, by mere sight, their opponents’ techniques while gaining incredible reflexes and perceptive abilities.
  12. Mach 1

    Mach 1

    A Mach number is the ratio of an object's speed in a given medium to the speed of sound in that medium. Mach 1, then, is the speed of sound, around 761 mph at sea level…