
  1. Is Friday Named After A Goddess With A Chariot Pulled By Cats?

    In a world that knows too many details about unimportant matters, one would think that our collective expertise could be certain about something as essential as the days of the week. There is, however, a scholarly (and let’s face it, Marvel fan) debate regarding which goddess of love in Norse mythology is the namesake of “Friday.” Who is Friday named for? It is said that …

  2. woke

    Woke means being conscious of racial discrimination in society and other forms of oppression and injustice. In mainstream use, woke can also more generally describe someone or something as being "with it." Want more of the…
  3. BDE

    BDE is an acronym. We all pretty much know what it stands for ... But, to spell it out BDE means big dick energy. It’s typically used to refer to (mostly cisgender) men, although not always.…
  4. Civility And Other Trending Words On

    There were plenty of calls for civility the week of June 22–29, 2018, but do folks really know what it means? The word was one of the top trending searches on, but it was far from the only term to spark interest! Eighty-six The ouster of Press Secretary Sarah Sanders from the Red Hen, an eatery in Lexington, Virginia boosted searches for the meaning …

  5. sugar daddy

    sugar daddy

    A sugar daddy is an older man who basically just throws gifts, allowances, and trips on a younger woman or man in exchange for a consensual (?) sexual relationship. Related words: daddy dom silver fox…
  6. holler


    Holla at your dictionary! To holler is "to shout," extended to "say hello" or "hit on" in Black English. In Appalachian English, a holler refers to a "hollow," or mountain valley. Related words: crick hmu hollaback…
  7. on the clock

    on the clock

    Working hard or hardly working? If you're on the clock, it should be the former. To be on the clock is an idiom meaning "working" or "getting paid." It can also refer to the amount…
  8. Who's your daddy?

    Who’s your daddy?

    Someone asking Who's your daddy? isn't looking for an answer: They're making a point about how great they are. It's a sign of male dominance, insinuating the listener is a mere child. Related words: daddy dom…
  9. Lyrica


    Lyrica is a brand name of the prescription drug pregabalin, used to treat pain from nerve damage as well as certain types of seizures. Related words: Budweisers Bud Light epilepsy fibromyalgia Gabbies Klonopin oxycotton Percocet
  10. savage AF

    On the internet, savage AF is a slang way to characterize something as extremely good, brutally honest, or as a ruthless takedown.
  11. Occam's razor

    Occam’s razor

    Occam's razor is a philosophical principle that states the simplest explanation is usually the best one.
  12. Mi Gente

    Mi Gente

    Literally meaning "my people" in Spanish, "Mi Gente" is a hit 2017 reggaeton song, latter remixed with Beyoncé ... so it's awesome. When not rocking out to the song, Spanish speakers widely use mi gente when…