
  1. plugged in

    plugged in

    Get with it! If you're plugged in, you're in the know. You can also be so plugged in to a task, usually a technological one, to the point where you shut everything else out. Related words: connected in…
  2. bored button

    Bored Button

    The Bored Button is a website and also a whole different app that both have the same idea: someone literally clicks a home-screen button, when bored, to access random fun games online. Related words: clickbait…
  3. cock on

    cock on

    Looking for a fun new dirty slang term? Well, this isn’t it. Cock on is something like the British slang of on point, meaning that it is "exactly right" or "first rate." Cock on can mean…
  4. fanfiction


    Ever see a movie and think "I could’ve written a better script?" or read a story and say "I want more?" Well, fanfiction is for you. Fanfiction are stories written by everyday fans featuring characters, settings, and plots…
  5. whippets


    A slang term for the recreational use of nitrous oxide, whippets, also called laughing gas, are a staple of most Phish concerts. A canister of the gas may be called a whippet or the drug itself may be called whippets,…
  6. subliminal message

    A subliminal message is a technique used in marKEting and other media to influencE People without theiR bEing Aware of what the messenger is DoING. This may involve the use of split second flashes of text,…
  7. mafa


    We have had it with these mafa snakes on this mafa plane! Like mofo and muhfuh, mafa is a shortening of the slang, motherfucker. Related words: bad to the bone BMF d'fuq fux fuck this shit I'm out…
  8. roasties


    Nope. We're not talking about potatoes. We're talking about immature dudes and coarse slang for the vulva. Roasties is sexist slang used by incels and others in the male internet culture for sexually active women—or…
  9. Google effect

    The Google effect explains how people tend to use the internet as a personal memory bank (i.e., they can't remember any information on their own without looking it up). It’s sometimes called digital amnesia. Related…
  10. stay in your lane

    The phrase stay in your lane means "to mind your own business" or "stick with what you know and are good at."
  11. Last Month in Pop Language: Post Malone, Bill Clinton, and Other June Low Points

    by Molly Rosen MarrinerThis is our fourth installment of Last Month in Pop Language, a column where the most popular (statistically) song, book, and film of the month will have their words analyzed in hopes of drawing a conclusion about language’s current usage—and future. At the end of each monthly column, we’ll draw a conclusion: Was last month’s pop language masterly, malevolent, or merely meh?————- Movie: The Incredibles 2 …

  12. Remember These Fashion Fads (Or Were They Faux Pas)?