
  1. 5 Language Development Sites Every Student Should Bookmark

  2. moon crickets

    Though it may sound fanciful and innocent, this term is absolutely not.  Moon crickets is a racial slur against black people. Warning: This article features information about a racial slur that is highly offensive and that…
  3. 👪 Family emoji

    We're all one big happy 👪 ... The family emoji, 👪, depicts a family unit. Given the great diversity in family makeup, variations of the family emoji represent everything from single-parent and same-sex-parent families to…
  4. You’ll Understand Normcore And More After This Word Of The Day Quiz

    It’s getting calescent outside … and it’s getting calescent in this Word of the Day Quiz. If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser. Interested in Words of the Day from the past? Check out this one that we brought to life … Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)!

  5. pink tax

    Often, products marketed to women cost more than the same ones for men. This gender-based price discrepancy is known as the pink tax. Translation? Women often pay more than men do just because they're women.
  6. It’s a Jersey thing

    There is a strange, dark land along the Atlantic Ocean where the people have terrible fake tans and actually enjoy Bon Jovi. Why do they act this why? You wouldn’t understand: It’s a Jersey thing. It's…
  7. FUPA And Other Trending Words On

    From Beyonce to Britain, here’s why you were searching for meaning on the week of August 3–8, 2018. FUPA Vogue got the Beyonce treatment this week, and so did the trending words list. The singer got frank about the changes her body has undergone as she’s aged and carried babies, even praising her own FUPA. If you’re not familiar with the acronym, you’re …

  8. meninist

    A meninist is someone who—wait for it—believes men are victimized by feminism and that attention needs to be called to what they believe are the struggles of being a man in the 21st century.
  9. bukkake

    Bukkake is Japanese word which roughly translates to "to splash with liquid" and refers to a popular cold noodle dish. The term is better known, though, as something very, very different. It's a sex act…
  10. the cake is a lie

    Sonny, let me tell you about the memes from back in the day. The cake is a lie is a 2000s meme based on the video game, Portal, and used for a false promise, temptation, or…
  11. yaoinsfw

    Yaoi is a Japanese term for manga that features sexual romance between men, specifically as created by and for women. In the West, yaoi is used more generally to refer to any anime, manga, fan…
  12. transitive property

    Italy beat Sweden and Sweden beat France, so by, er, the transitive property Italy beat France. It's math, bro! Outside of mathematics, the transitive property is slang and a sometime meme where a person uses a series of…