
  1. goon

    Don't be a goon! That is, don't be a "fool" or an "oaf." Hired muscle, gangsters, and tough-guy hockey players are often called goons, too.
  2. shart

    Sometimes, when you're going to break some wind... a little poop sneaks out along with it. This is called a shart, a blend of shit and fart.
  3. Yoko

    From the Japanese artist and widow of John Lennon Yoko Ono, a Yoko is a disparaging term for a woman seen as controlling, a hanger-on who stifles her mate’s achievements and stirs up conflict. It's based…

    Literature’s Most Lovable Grumps

    When life gives you lemons, make lemonade! That cheer-boosting adage works for some people, but others are perfectly happy sucking sour lemons. Literature is full of chipper lemonade-makers, but there’s something about those lemon-sucking grumps that draws readers in. Is it their angsty sarcasm? Their jaded world-weariness? Their stubborn dedication to doom-and-gloom even when everything else is giggles and rainbows? Are Negative Nancys somehow more …

  5. food baby

    Food baby refers to the bloated appearance of the stomach area after eating a large amount of food, giving the person the appearance of being pregnant. People might also say they have a food baby when they…
  6. bumbaclot

    Bumbaclot is Jamaican slang equivalent to "douchebag" or "motherfucker," often used as an interjection to express disgust or dismay. It's also spelled bumboclaat or bomboclaat, among other spellings. It's an insulting vulgarity that literally refers…
  7. Dubya

    Dubya is a nickname for the 43rd president of the United States (2001–2009), George W. Bush. It's based on that middle initial, W., used to differentiate him from his equally presidential father of the same…
  8. orange background with blue words Cosby Sweater

    Cosby sweater

    A Cosby sweater is a baggy, busy, and very colorful knit sweater, as popularized by comedian Bill Cosby on his 1980–90s sitcom. They are usually considered ridiculous-looking, though at times sported with an ironic cool…
  9. sofa king

    This definition is sofa king amazing. Read that sentence aloud. Read it again. Get it? Sofa king is a cheeky pun on so fucking. Sofa king clever!
  10. 😞 Disappointed Face emoji

    It's a bit of a bummer, but the disappointed face emoji, 😞, expresses varying degrees of sadness and disappointment. People use it for everything from when a beloved friend passes away to when they couldn't get…
  11. cool story, bro

    "This one time at band camp ..." Cool story, bro. "So I tied an onion to my belt, which was the style at the time." Cool story, bro."... and then I found five dollars." Cool story,…
  12. muff cabbage

    Muff cabbage is a vulgar, vagina-based insult popularized by a 2010 South Park episode.