
  1. swamp ass

    Swamp ass involves a sweaty wetness in the butt crack or general nether region that may soak through the underwear, even the pants. Chafing and funky odors are also common symptoms. Beware.
  2. 🦕 Sauropod emoji

    The sauropod emoji depicts the general features of a Sauropoda, the largest known land animal which lived during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods ... but in a slightly cartoonish way. Shown with a small head,…
  3. ding dong ditch

    Ever hear a knock at the door and no one’s there? You're either in a horror movie ... or you’ve been ding dong ditched. Ding dong ditch is a children's prank involving ringing someone's doorbell…
  4. moonbat

    A moonbat sounds more like some something from a science-fiction novel than a political insult for people with left-leaning political views. In fact, that's exactly where the term comes from ...
  5. happy trail

    A happy trail is a vertical strip of hair running from the belly button down to the pubic region, usually associated with men.
  6. Totes McGotes

    Totes McGotes may sound like a cartoon character, but it's just a way to voice approval or agreement.
  7. disco stick

    🎶 Let's have some fun, this beat is sick / I wanna take a ride on your disco stick. 🎶  Disco stick is a colorful euphemism for "penis" from the 2008 song “Love Game” by…
  8. Channel Your Forbearance For This Word Of The Day Quiz

    Daydreaming about plages? This Word of the Day Quiz is almost as enjoyable, we promise. If the quiz doesn’t display, please try opening in the Chrome browser. Interested in Words of the Day from the past? Check out this one that we brought to life … Tell us your favorite word from this week below (and share it with your friends on Facebook and Twitter)!

  9. The Longest Words In The English Language

  10. 🦆 Duck emoji

    Ducks are cute, and this emoji also fits the bill 🤣. On most platforms, it's seen as a mallard, in white, brown, and green.
  11. snow bunny

    A snow bunny is an attractive woman who enjoys skiing ... or a white woman who likes or is in a relationship with a black man.
  12. Coleslaw And Other Trending Words On

    Is coleslaw a salad? What’s another way to say wedding? Both questions answered and more in the August 24–31, 2018 edition of trending words on! Coleslaw Debates over just how certain foods should be categorized are legendary. Is the hot dog really a sandwich? (Yes). Is white chocolate really chocolate? (No). Podcaster Jon Lovett joined the fray with a tweet this week pondering how to …