
  1. jagoff

    A jagoff is a jerk, idiot, or really any kind of irritating or unlikeable person, not unlike douchebag. It's closely associated with the city of Pittsburgh, ya jagoff.
  2. B

    B is an affectionate term for a loved one. It is often times used to address a homie, ya girl, or ya moms.
  3. fapusation

    A fapusation is an accusation made about somebody that specifically exposes the people, things, or materials they allegedly masturbate to. Often times, the things they're masturbating to are strange ... really strange.
  4. Locked Up Lingo: 8 Terms That Summarize Prison Slang

    In prison, people use their own special forms of lingo and communication. The unique slang used by prisoners reflects this.

  5. Linalool, Floccinaucinihilipilification, And More Trending Words On

    From the college gridiron to the chemistry lab to a politician in India, the trending word list for October 5–12, 2018 has a world’s worth of information in it. So pack your bags, and get ready to hit the road with us. Linalool LaCroix may be the reason you can’t get enough of bubbly water these days, but the brand is facing a lawsuit that …

  6. What Does Your Crossword Style Say About You?

    You can tell a lot about a person by their daily habits. Do they make their bed every day? Do they eat the same lunch special? Maybe they’re a bit of a rebel and take each experience as it comes. How about something a little more puzzling. What does your crossword puzzle solving style say about you? Believe it or not, crossword solvers are a …

  7. Why Does The Letter Q Almost Always Need The Letter U?

    Scrabble players are acutely aware that Q is a tricky letter. To use a Q in the game, a player must nearly always find an available U. (We’ll overlook the coveted two-letter word qi that any respectable Scrabble player will know.) The fact that Q is the second most rarely-used letter in the alphabet certainly doesn’t make using Q any easier. Let’s quest toward resolving …

  8. party hats

    A party hat is a pointed and colorfully decorated cardboard hat, worn over someone's head and usually at birthday parties. It's also slang for a condom.
  9. boofing

    Boofing is slang for anal sex. The term can also be used to the refer to the practice of putting alcohol or drugs up one's butt to get intoxicated. Because that's a thing.
  10. Q.E.D.

    Q.E.D. is an acronym for the Latin phrase quod erat demonstrandum, a fancy way to show off you just logically proved something.
  11. eating out

    No, we're not talking about going to the Cheesecake Factory here ... The act of eating out, or eating (someone) out, means performing oral sex on another's vagina or, occasionally, anus.
  12. PMOYS

    If you're looking to extend your popularity by showing how you're buddy-buddy with someone cool or just want to feel the love from a friend, you might tell them to PMOYS. PMOYS is an internet…