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rutabaga vs. turnip
rutabaga vs. turnip: What's the difference?
The rutabaga is a variety of turnip—a root vegetable that’s a member of the mustard family. Rutabagas are typically larger and sweeter than other turnips. Rutabagas have a rough and waxy exterior and typically have yellow flesh, while other turnips have white flesh.
[ roo-tuh-bey-guh, roo-tuh-bey- ]
- a brassicaceous plant, Brassica napobrassica, having a yellow- or white-fleshed, edible tuber.
- the edible tuber, a variety of turnip.
[ tur-nip ]
- the thick, fleshy, edible root of either of two plants of the mustard family, the white-fleshed Brassica rapa rapifera or the yellow-fleshed rutabaga.
- the plant itself.
- the root of this plant used as a vegetable.