
View synonyms for succeed


[ suhk-seed ]

verb (used without object)

  1. to happen or terminate according to desire; turn out successfully; have the desired result:

    Our efforts succeeded.

    Antonyms: fail

  2. to thrive, prosper, grow, or the like:

    Grass will not succeed in this dry soil.

    Antonyms: fail

  3. to accomplish what is attempted or intended:

    We succeeded in our efforts to start the car.

    Antonyms: fail

  4. to attain success in some popularly recognized form, as wealth or standing:

    The class voted him the one most likely to succeed.

    Antonyms: fail

  5. to follow or replace another by descent, election, appointment, etc. (often followed by to ).
  6. to come next after something else in an order or series.

verb (used with object)

  1. to come after and take the place of, as in an office or estate.
  2. to come next after in an order or series, or in the course of events; follow.

    Antonyms: precede


/ səkˈsiːd /


  1. intr to accomplish an aim, esp in the manner desired

    he succeeded in winning

  2. intr to happen in the manner desired

    the plan succeeded

  3. intr to acquit oneself satisfactorily or do well, as in a specified field

    to succeed in publishing

  4. whenintr, often foll by to to come next in order (after someone or something)
  5. whenintr, often foll by to to take over an office, post, etc (from a person)

    he succeeded to the vice presidency

  6. intrusually foll byto to come into possession (of property, etc); inherit
  7. intr to have a result according to a specified manner

    the plan succeeded badly

  8. intr to devolve upon

    the estate succeeded to his son

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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Derived Forms

  • sucˈceedable, adjective
  • sucˈceeder, noun
  • sucˈceedingly, adverb
  • sucˈceeding, adjective
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Other Words From

  • suc·ceed·a·ble adjective
  • suc·ceed·er noun
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Word History and Origins

Origin of succeed1

First recorded in 1325–75; Middle English succeden from Old French succeder, from Latin succēdere “to go (from) under, follow, prosper,” equivalent to suc- suc- + cēdere “to go” ( cede )
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Word History and Origins

Origin of succeed1

C15: from Latin succēdere to follow after, from sub- after + cēdere to go
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Synonym Study

Succeed, flourish, prosper, thrive mean to do well. To succeed is to turn out well, to attain a goal: It is everyone's wish to succeed in life. To flourish is to give evidence of success or a ripe development of power, reputation, etc.: Culture flourishes among free people. To prosper is to achieve and enjoy material success: He prospered but was still discontented. Thrive suggests vigorous growth and development such as results from natural vitality or favorable conditions: The children thrived in the sunshine. See follow.
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Example Sentences

If anything called “Mustang” is to succeed as long into the future as the car’s history stretches into the past, it will be more like the Mach-E and less like any of the Mustangs that got us here.

He called it a testament to how much residents want to see Ward 8 businesses succeed.

He explained in his 350 BCE treatise On the Heavens that copies of an icosahedron “will not succeed in filling the whole.”

Whether the Hope mission succeeds or not, its impact is already being felt.

Another critical takeaway is that once the work has succeeded, we have to make sure never to undermine it.

From Vox

On Thursday, Garcetti ruled himself out of the race to succeed Boxer.

I really wanted Trenchmouth to succeed and at the time wished we were as big as Green Day.

Tyrangiel, 42, was considered a candidate to succeed Winkler.

No one wanted them to succeed, not the cops, the heroes, not the villains.

These preliminary results give us hope that the project will succeed in the coming years.

But she did not succeed in finding a suitable studio, neither an instructor who pleased her, and she returned to Amsterdam.

Sometimes a horseman may succeed in killing him by cutting across his undeviating course.

The danger is over for these others, but the poor youth who longed so greatly to succeed lies dead not far away.

But if the "great public" will only tolerate one as a pupil long enough, eventually, one must succeed.

The sailors tried to catch some with a hook and line, and were fortunate enough to succeed.





succedent housesucceeded