
[ en-ee-wey ]
See synonyms for anyway on
  1. in any case; anyhow; nonetheless; regardless: Whether you like it or not, I'm going anyway.

  2. (used to continue or resume the thread of a story or account): Anyway, we finally found a plumber who could come right over.

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Origin of anyway

First recorded in 1150–1200, anyway is from Middle English ani wei. See any, way1
  • Also Nonstandard, an·y·ways [en-ee-weyz] /ˈɛn iˌweɪz/ .

usage note For anyway

The adverb anyway is spelled as one word: It was snowing hard, but we drove to the play anyway. The two-word phrase any way means “in any manner”: Finish the job any way you choose. If the words “in the” can be substituted for “any,” the two-word phrase is called for: Finish the job in the way you choose. If the substitution cannot be made, the spelling is anyway.

Words Nearby anyway Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use anyway in a sentence

  • The patriarchal decree of the government was a good deal of a joke on the plains, anyway—except when you were caught defying it!

    Raw Gold | Bertrand W. Sinclair
  • I always try to do the right thing, but, anyway, these arms and hands would do good of their own accord.

    Uncanny Tales | Various
  • anyway there was a lot of embroidery on it, full of little holes, which somehow contrived to be extraordinarily fetching.

  • It is suggested, too, that patents are pending that may make outside aerials unnecessary, anyway.

  • anyway, if I did, the whole family would want to know why, and I don't suppose you want to tell them that yet.

    First Plays | A. A. Milne

British Dictionary definitions for anyway


/ (ˈɛnɪˌweɪ) /

  1. in any case; at any rate; nevertheless; anyhow

  2. in a careless or haphazard manner

  1. Usually any way . in any manner; by any means

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