
  1. variant of -podium: pseudopode.

Words Nearby -pode

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2024

How to use -pode in a sentence

  • Whensoever you find the prices of your wares rated by the pode, consider that to be the great weight, and the pound to be small.

    The Discovery of Muscovy | Richard Hakluyt
  • The pode doth contain of the great weight, forty pounds; and of the small, eighty.

    The Discovery of Muscovy | Richard Hakluyt
  • The true name of the genus, which is a full explanation in itself, is the Greek A-pode, "Without feet."

    The Bird | Jules Michelet
  • And as for their great weight, which they call the beasemar, they sell by pode or ship pound.

    The Discovery of Muscovy | Richard Hakluyt