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uracil vs. thymine

uracil vs. thymine: What's the difference?

Uracil and thymine are both pyrimidine bases that pair with adenine to create nucleic acids. When uracil, C4H4N2O2, pairs with adenine, it makes up part of RNA. When thymine, C5H6N2O2, pairs with adenine, it makes up part of DNA.

[ yoor-uh-sil ]
  1. a pyrimidine base, C4H4N2O2, that is one of the fundamental components of RNA, in which it forms base pairs with adenine. Symbol: U
[ thahy-meen, -min ]
  1. a pyrimidine base, C5H6N2O2, that is one of the principal components of DNA, in which it is paired with adenine. Symbol: T