[ von; German fawn, unstressed fuhn ]
- from; of (used in German and Austrian personal names, originally to indicate place of origin and later to indicate nobility):
Paul von Hindenburg.
Example Sentences
But few of us would recognize the name of Dietrich von Hildebrand, a German philosopher-turned-outspoken Nazi antagonist.
But perhaps it is precisely for this reason that the rediscovery of Dietrich von Hildebrand could not come at a better time.
One would be hard-pressed to find an earlier opponent of the Nazis than Dietrich von Hildebrand.
Did the producers just reuse the Von Trapp children from last year and hope that no one would notice?
David Lowery of Camper von Beethoven and Cracker made this case in a viral post from 2012.
The other was the spirited portrait of Baron von Friedericks, a happy combination of cavalier and soldier in its manly strength.
The von Fleischl has long been the standard instrument, but has lately fallen into some disfavor.
For accurate work the best instruments are the von Fleischl-Miescher and the Dare.
Birdie has fairly taken the fighting edge off Liman von Sanders' two new Divisions: he has knocked them to bits.
Christian William von Dohm, a Prussian statesman and scholar, died.