


  1. A people of northern Europe , known for their cruelty and destructiveness, who invaded the Roman Empire and plundered Rome itself in the fifth century.

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The term vandalism , meaning wanton destructiveness, comes from the name of the Vandals.
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Example Sentences

Security guards have also been posted to add some muscle (but this has done little to deter vandals in past years).

Looters and vandals damaged more than a dozen stores and businesses in Oakland, Calif., news reports said.

Vandals have defaced them with red paint splotches that look like bullet holes oozing with blood.

Photographer Kurt Wenner captures these ruins before vandals erase them completely.

But there is a strong resolve to vote despite the risk, a fierce determination to vanquish the Vandals.

On the 15 th December Belisarius met the Vandals in battle-array.

The first of the Teutonic states to fall was the kingdom of the Vandals.

These vandals, desirous of making a little money, were in the habit of tearing out leaves from some of the MSS.

Then take the gradual destruction of the building by Goths and Vandals, and by the people of Rome themselves.

The Goths and Vandals entertained the opinion that the first man and woman were made of an ash-tree.





vandalizeVan de Graaff