sparkling water
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Example Sentences
That day evoked in my mind’s eye a pattern of shifting and overlapping circular forms in shades of silver and gray, like bubbles in a glass of sparkling water.
I remain mystified by the massive appeal of bland flavored sparkling water with an alcohol kick from malt or spirits.
I opened my eyes as the screen brightened with waves of sparkling water.
Finally descending the steps of the boat-house, they stepped into the sparkling water.
Instantly by the wayside appeared a spring of cool sparkling water and it was all Log could do to reach it before his fellows.
Small parks, exquisitely pretty, were very numerous, and in them the sparkling water was made to play curious pranks.
Many a stream sent little detachments across lots, the sparkling water seeming to trip lightly over the unbroken turf.
And by five-minutes-past Sally was impending over the sparkling water of Paddington swimming-bath.