South America
- a continent in the S part of the Western Hemisphere. About 6,900,000 sq. mi. (17,871,000 sq. km).
South America
- the fourth largest of the continents, bordering on the Caribbean in the north, the Pacific in the west, and the Atlantic in the east and joined to Central America by the Isthmus of Panama. It is dominated by the Andes Mountains, which extend over 7250 km (4500 miles) and include many volcanoes; ranges from dense tropical jungle, desert, and temperate plains to the cold wet windswept region of Tierra del Fuego. Pop (Latin America and the Caribbean): 558 281 000 (2005 est). Area: 17 816 600 sq km (6 879 000 sq miles)
South America
Other Words From
- South American adjective noun
Example Sentences
My only worry is that a lot of our players will have been in South America but it definitely helps that we are playing on Sunday and have 24 hours more rest.
She went on to lead a study examining the relationship between climate change and conflict, including civil war, which has identified that South America, Oceania, and Southeast Asia are understudied regions.
The international clinical trial involved nearly 300 people across seven countries in Africa, North and South America.
Alongside the skull - which is from a Belgian collection – the sale listed shrunken heads from the Jivaro people of South America and skulls from the Ekoi people of West Africa.
As farmers head for Westminster, the prime minister has been heading for South America - he is at the G20 Summit of the world’s biggest economies in Brazil for the next few days.