- Surplus Marketing Administration.
Example Sentences
SMA LLC Minnesota based agricultural/industrial construction company.
That is where SMA enjoys its true ex-pat appeal, as compared by many to that of Buenos Aires.
SMA seems like a mecca for single women, of which there are reportedly seven for every one man.
Kerouac, Ginsberg, and Neal Cassady came through for the booze, and Cassady actually died in SMA in 1968.
Bars, restaurants, and television are all dormant during the wee sma' hours of the morning because most people sleep then.
Sma't bud git in da tree da y-ant un da bug swa'm in da bark plenty. '
The sma' terrier dogs were aye washed i' claes tubs wi' warm water an' soap.
Just go up to the lodge and tell Mr. Brown I'm—weel, I'll just attend to that sma' matter my ainsel'.
Julius Braun says, in regard to this Sma-tree: Hermes, the rare visitor, is regaled with nectar and ambrosia.
But an unco' bitter body was he when there was a sma' collection.