


[ siks-tee-fawr, -fohr ]


  1. a cardinal number, 60 plus 4.
  2. a symbol for this number, as 64 or LXIV.
  3. a set of this many persons or things.


  1. amounting to 64 in number.
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Example Sentences

You use an adjective, it better be a sixty-four-dollar adjective.

Sixty-four percent of the media attention was framed around polls, advertising, fundraising, strategy, and who was up or down.

Sixty-four years later, Palestinian society seems no better prepared for statehood.

Sixty-four percent of likely voters say the nation is on the wrong track.

We are going to send our butler to the sale to-morrow, to pick up some of that sixty-four.

But he did not long enjoy his new honours, for he died in Paris on December 25, 1818, aged sixty-four.

Sixty-four men were selected, and Abraham Whipple, who was afterward one of the first captains in the American navy, took command.

The clause was retained on a division by a majority of two hundred and ninety against two hundred and sixty-four.

Absolutely exhausted, he surrendered near the Pennsylvania line, on the 26th day of July, with three hundred and sixty-four men.





sixty-fivesixty-four-dollar question