

Seven Isles


  1. a city in SE Quebec, in E Canada, on the St. Lawrence, near its mouth.

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Example Sentences

There, as in a mirror, he could see, at certain times, what was going on in the streets of cities far further south than Tashbaan, or what ships were putting into Redhaven in the remote Seven Isles, or what robbers or wild beasts stirred in the great Western forests between Lantern Waste and Telmar.

The novel, the first in a planned series, opens with the brutal emperor Mapidéré of the Seven Isles of Dara close to death.

At the Cape of Good Hope, innumerable nations, warlike and well-armed, have risen up simultaneously against her; and, to say nothing of the massacres in Ceylon, your Majesty well knows what atrocities her Commissioner has long exercised in the Seven Isles.

Islands of wood beyond seem to join it, and reaches of the lake, breaking partly between, give the most lively intermixture of water; six or seven isles and islets form an accompaniment: some are rocky, but with a slight vegetation, others contain groups of trees, and the whole thrown into forms, which would furnish new ideas to a painter. 

And the same may be said of the Freya of the Seven Isles.





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