- return on investment.
abbreviation for
- Republic of Ireland
- finance return on investment
Example Sentences
Others are here to invest in artists with promising reputations, and thus the possibility of future ROI.
That kind of independence has a much better ROI than the stock market.
It's true that subsidizing insurance costs might improve the ROI of the business.
Time to bring in Hamas from the cold, argues Israeli writer Roi Ben-Yehuda.
Roi Ben-Yehuda is an Israeli writer based in the U.S. His work has been featured in Haaretz, Al Jazeera and France 24.
Le roi pouvait crer ce duch en sa faveur, sans blesser aucune susceptibilit militaire.
The result was the state of things described with only pardonable exaggeration in Edmond About's amusing Roi de la montagne.
The minions had not allowed him to be ignorant of what had passed, and he had heard the people cry, "Vive le roi!"
Oui, le roi de Prusse m'a envoy son crit contre l'Essai sur les prjugs.
I know that for her sake I wished to look as much le roi as it was in me to look.