


  1. Biochemistry. ribonucleoprotein.

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But little is Pauline aware of what Berthier — and the audience — also already knows: that the outwardly warm and engaging Stéphane is now secretly involved with a racist paramilitary group which provides shadow support and protection for the RNP.

Never mind that she has no idea what kind of programs the RNP wants her to push if elected, that Dorgelle’s rally rhetoric sounds wildly jingoistic or that the party’s chiefs and handlers are brashly re-engineering Pauline’s home and personal life.

They also compare their data with the crystal structure10 of an H/ACA RNP bound to a single ‘hairpin’ RNA, and postulate that the second lobe contains the H/ACA RNP.

From Nature

Human telomerase has low abundance in cells, and attempts to reconstitute it from its purified components have been thwarted by protein insolubility and the low efficiency of RNP assembly.

From Nature

These results provide a structural explanation for a wealth of previously reported biochemical data15,16 that defined the subunit stoichiometry, as well as the RNA-hairpin sequence and structure requirements for stable assembly, of the TR H/ACA RNP.

From Nature



