[ pee-tee-es-dee ]
abbreviation for
- post-traumatic stress disorder: a mental disorder occurring after an extremely distressing, stressful, or frightening event and characterized by symptoms such as reliving the event, avoidance of anything that is a reminder of the event, withdrawal from social interactions or previous activities, and an increase in feelings of anxiety, anger, sadness, shame, or guilt.
abbreviation for
- post-traumatic stress disorder
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Example Sentences
In the case of PTSD, it can cause much greater negative consequences.
Grief, survivor's guilt, PTSD, anxiety and depression will follow them from their classrooms to their homes and everywhere in between.
The employee claimed in the days and weeks that followed, he received threats from Ye’s associates who were known “enforcers,” exacerbating his PTSD.
Often, those who return from the rifts are dealing with a form of PTSD; some, we’re told, are no longer willing to speak, seemingly trauma-shocked.
The tour name references her Emmy-winning TV series as well as ongoing challenges like staying sober, ignoring death threats, moving past lost CNN deals and committing to therapy for complex PTSD.