


abbreviation for

  1. preceded.
  2. preceding.

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Example Sentences

Il avait d'abord voulu avoir une demeure sur le mont Capitolin; mais, ayant r�fl�chi que Jupiter l'avait prec�d� au Capitole, il en prit de l'humeur et retourna sur le Palatin.

Prec′ious-met′al, a metal of great value, as gold or silver; Prec′iousness; Prec′ious-stone, a stone of value and beauty for ornamentation: a gem or jewel.

Prec′edented, having a precedent: warranted by an example; Preceden′tial, of the nature of a precedent.—adv.

Police no longer prec�dent � an inquiry, they conduisent it, while judges d�cr�tent death penalties rather than prononcent them.

The clap on the beggar's knee ever and anon run along, and still he twirled round Will Carr to face Lilly—though not before he had taken her round the fair neck, and kissed her, "nothing loath"—and again presented himself to the welcome face of Bess, whose rosy lips he "prec'd" as often as his many laborious evolutions, hooghs, claps, and cries to the piper would permit.




