pound puppy
[ pound puhp-ee ]
- a dog, especially a puppy, residing in or adopted from a pound or shelter:
Our family decided to get a pound puppy, but we couldn’t agree on which one—that’s why we now have three dogs!
Word History and Origins
Origin of pound puppy1
Example Sentences
She was as vulnerable as a pound puppy yet resolute and determined to find what she needed to live the life she wished for.
Both “Pet Blinders” and “Pound Puppy” center around a fictional product that prevents pets from watching their owners having sex.
First, there’s “Pound Puppy,” an instant classic of the “ridiculously impractical solution to a problem, presented as if it were normal” genre:
If “Pound Puppy” is a straightforward sales pitch for a ludicrous product, “Roach-Ex” is a ludicrous sales pitch for a straightforward product.
I can’t say what could possibly draw a little girl to such a nightmare — shouldn’t I have been playing with my Pound Puppy or something? — but I was transfixed and immediately took the magazine to my dad, who I presumed had never heard of this massive historical event.