

pattern practice


  1. (in foreign-language learning) a technique for practicing a linguistic structure in which students repeat a sentence or other structure, each time substituting a new element, such as a new verb, as directed by the teacher, or transforming the original structure, as in changing a statement to a question.
  2. Also called pattern drill. a drill using this technique.

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Example Sentences

The attorney general’s Civil Rights Bureau sometimes looks into sexual harassment complaints itself if it sees evidence of “a pattern, practice or policy of sexual harassment affecting a significant number of people.”

It also claims Guyger’s conduct reflects inadequate training and fits the department’s “pattern, practice, history and custom of using excessive force against minorities”, citing examples of recent fatal shootings by Dallas police.

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“This case will undoubtedly bring a microscope of national attention to the shooting itself as well as the city’s pattern, practice and procedures in rubber-stamping fatal police shootings of African Americans as ‘justified.’

“This case will undoubtedly bring a microscope of national attention to the shooting itself as well as the city’s pattern, practice and procedures in rubber-stamping fatal police shootings of African Americans as ‘justified.'”

From Time





patternmakerpattern recognition