


  1. a combining form meaning “back,” “behind,” “rear,” used in the formation of compound words:


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Word History and Origins

Origin of opistho-1

< Greek, combining form of ópisthen behind, at the back


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Words That Use Opistho-

What does opistho- mean?

Opistho- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “back,” “behind,” “rear.” It is used in some classical and scientific terms, including in zoology.

Opistho- ultimately comes from the Greek ópisthen, meaning “behind” or “at the back.”

  • Examples of opistho-

Opisthosoma, meaning “the abdomen of a spider or other arachnid,” is one example of a term from zoology that features the form opistho-.

The first part of the word, opistho-, means “rear, behind.” The combining form -soma means “body.” Opisthosoma has a literal sense of “rear body.”

What are some words that use or are related to the combining form opistho-?

What are some other forms that opistho- may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

Some ancient Greek temples had a chamber known as opisthodomos where valuables were stored. What part of the temple was such a room found?




opioid epidemicopisthobranch