open fracture
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Following the attack, nearly three years ago, Melissa suffered an open fracture to her wrist, severe bite wounds to the abdomen and many to her leg and foot, while Georgia was bitten on her hand.
More than 6,700 patients who had surgery to treat a closed lower extremity or pelvic fracture and 1,700 patients who had surgery to treat an open fracture participated in the study.
The accident left Ms Smith with multiple open fractures on both arms, lacerations to her left leg, a damaged right knee cap, multiple spine disc fractures and an abdominal tear.
“If it’s an open fracture, where the fracture has penetrated the skin and the bone is exposed, your prognosis rapidly decreases due to infection because you are running on a dirt surface,” Blea said.
Go For Wand was leading by a head at the sixteenth pole when she suffered an open fracture to her right cannon bone.