North Vietnam
- that part of Vietnam N of about 17° N; formerly a part of French Indochina; separate republic 1954–75.
North Vietnam
- a region of N Vietnam, on the Gulf of Tonkin: an independent Communist state from 1954 until 1976. Area: 164 061 sq km (63 344 sq miles)
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In 1950, the Soviet Union was among the first countries to give diplomatic recognition to what was then the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, or North Vietnam.
Vietnam’s ties to Russia are close and go back many decades, to the vital military, economic and diplomatic support given by the Soviet Union to the new communist state in North Vietnam in the 1950s.
In 1954, his parents and five siblings escaped communist North Vietnam to seek refuge in South Vietnam.
Damianos' fictional film "The Hamlet" is set in North Vietnam, hence the need for those with that dialect.
There is the monolithic enemy — commies from North Vietnam, sneak attackers from Imperial Japan, tech spies from China.