

View synonyms for natatorial


[ ney-tuh-tawr-ee-uhl, nat-uh- ]


  1. pertaining to, adapted for, or characterized by swimming:

    natatorial birds.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of natatorial1

First recorded in 1810–20; natat(ion) + -orial
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Example Sentences

Devin, who works 10-hour days in the lab, trains five days a week at Meadowbrook Aquatic and Fitness Center in Baltimore, the natatorial home of Olympian Michael Phelps.

The feathers of swans, ducks and of the common domestic fowl are also largely employed for beds; but in the case of the latter bird, which is of course non-aquatic, the feathers are harsher 229 and less downy than are those of the natatorial birds generally.

But the swimming of the Kanaka boys, who flock around incoming steamers, and dive after and catch coins which tourists throw into the water, like so many ducks diving after corn, shows what a degree of perfection the natatorial art has attained among the native Hawaiians.

After watching Potowski's natatorial gestures, Fairfax had longed to swim out of the elegance into a freer sea.

The natatorial type of the Quadrumana, however, is most assuredly wanting.



