isolated point
- Mathematics. a point in a set such that the neighborhood of the point is devoid of any other points belonging to the set.
Example Sentences
“But if this is just an isolated point, and given the extraordinary circumstances that led to Jones’ victory in 2017 that are unlikely to be replicated this time, it should be easy for Tuberville to label this a last minute smear.”
An isolated point of entry, for instance, might increase vulnerability across an entire network.
In New York, the program is run by the city’s Human Resources Administration, which leaves HEAP, in many cases, a first and isolated point of contact between the homeowning class and a social service system meant to aid the poor.
An isolated point not upon a curve, but whose co”rdinates satisfy the equation of the curve so that it is considered as belonging to the curve.
To launch our trek, we traveled to an isolated point within Bayankhongor's already remote confines: the banks of the Baidrag River, where we mounted what the Mongols call "the horses of the wind" and then rode to Khokh Nuur, or Blue Lake, just south of the Khangai Mountains.