Example Sentences
On this date in 1949, the project known as “Operation Haylift” began on the Navajo Reservation as a result of a blizzard which left 35 inches of snow in the northwestern portion of the reservation.
The Guard even was activated in the winter of 1948-49 to deliver hay to livestock stranded in a blizzard, a rescue effort chronicled in the 1950 motion picture “Operation Haylift,” Marcus said.
On this date in 1949, the project known as “Operation Haylift” began on the Navajo Reservation as a result of a blizzard which left 35 inches of snow in the northwestern portion of the reservation.
According to Jostad, military and airline personnel flew large aircraft for Operation Haylift.
The most spectacular was "Operation Haylift"�the Air Force's attempt to feed more than a million sheep and 100,000 cattle marooned in distant and desolate corners of Nevada and Utah.