

View synonyms for forbidden


[ fer-bid-n, fawr- ]


  1. a past participle of forbid.


  1. not allowed; prohibited:

    a forbidden food in his religion.

  2. Physics. involving a change in quantum numbers that is not permitted by the selection rules:

    forbidden transition.


/ fəˈbɪdən /


  1. not permitted by order or law
  2. physics involving a change in quantum numbers that is not permitted by certain rules derived from quantum mechanics, esp rules for changes in the electrical dipole moment of the system
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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It was formerly considered incorrect to talk of forbidding someone from doing something, but in modern usage either from or to can be used: he was forbidden from entering/to enter the building
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Other Words From

  • for·bidden·ly adverb
  • for·bidden·ness noun
  • prefor·bidden adjective
  • self-for·bidden adjective
  • unfor·bidden adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of forbidden1

First recorded in 1200–50, for the adjective
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Example Sentences

The highway crossed two huge rivers that looked like seas, gas stations, McDonald’s, hotels, hospitals, and hundreds of billboards that bombarded me with forbidden culinary delights.

It is a forbidden luxury that simply does not fit into the most basics of living.

In the House bill, the tax benefits would only be stripped from the part of the account involved in the forbidden transaction.

They made me take off my shoes, which they thoroughly checked for any forbidden items.

The forbidden love story is the selling point, but the mysteries around witches, vampires and demons give it a highbrow veneer.

From Time

It was forbidden to be eaten, and seen as having powers that beat back “demons and sorcerers” as well as “misfortune.”

Like Lent, the season of Advent was a period of reflection and fasting, and items such as dairy and sugar were forbidden.

Astrology and black magic are forbidden in Islam; not an obscure point and one that Monis likely knew.

So the master artist traveled to Beijing and shot in a former palace not far from the Forbidden City.

“It is forbidden in Islam to ignore the reality of contemporary times when deriving legal rulings,” they argued.

I shipped for a voyage to Japan and China, and spent several more years trying to penetrate the forbidden fastnesses of Tibet.

Though, as everybody well knew, the doctor had forbidden her to lift so much as a pin!

Even then the Prime Minister was with difficulty prevented from bowling during forbidden hours.

By an Act passed in the 4th of William and Mary foreign buttons made of hair were forbidden to be imported.

In the same year he also manufactured two million penny tokens for our soldiers in Spain, which were not forbidden.


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forbiddanceforbidden band