Feast of Orthodoxy
- a solemn festival held on the first Sunday of Lent Orthodoxy Sunday commemorating the restoration of the use of icons in the church (a.d. 842) and the triumph over all heresies.
Example Sentences
Since the promulgation of this decree the First Sunday in Lent has been celebrated annually as the "Feast of Orthodoxy."
The feast of orthodoxy was established in 842.
Being left by his death regent of the empire during the minority of her son, Michael III., she put an end to the Iconoclast heresy, one hundred and twenty years after the first establishment of it by Leo the Isaurian: and the patriarch Methodius with great solemnity restored holy images in the great church in Constantinople, on the first Sunday of Lent, which we call the second, of which event the Greeks make an annual commemoration, calling it the feast of Orthodoxy.
At an unseasonable moment, the Isaurian emperors attempted somewhat rudely to awaken their subjects: under their influence reason might obtain some proselytes, a far greater number was swayed by interest or fear; but the Eastern world embraced or deplored their visible deities, and the restoration of images was celebrated as the feast of orthodoxy.