


[ ev-uhnz ]


  1. Sir Arthur John, 1851–1941, English archaeologist.
  2. Dame Edith, 1888–1976, English actress.
  3. Herbert Mc·Lean [m, uh, -, kleyn], 1882–1971, U.S. embryologist and anatomist.
  4. Janet, born 1971, U.S. swimmer.
  5. Mary Ann. Eliot, George.
  6. Maurice, 1901–1989, U.S. actor and producer, born in England.
  7. Oliver, 1755–1819, U.S. inventor: constructed the first high-pressure steam engine in the U.S. 1801?.
  8. Rob·ley Dun·gli·son [rob, -lee , duhng, -gl, uh, -s, uh, n], Fighting Bob, 1846–1912, U.S. admiral.
  9. Ru·dulph [roo, -duhlf], 1878–1960, U.S. sculptor.
  10. Walker, 1903–75, U.S. photographer.
  11. William John Bill, 1929–80, U.S. jazz pianist.
  12. Mount, a mountain in N central Colorado, in the Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. 14,264 feet (4,348 meters).


/ ˈɛvənz /


  1. EvansSir Arthur (John)18511941MBritishHISTORY: archaeologist Sir Arthur ( John ). 1851–1941, British archaeologist, whose excavations of the palace of Knossos in Crete provided evidence for the existence of the Minoan civilization
  2. EvansEdith (Mary Booth), Dame18881976FBritishTHEATRE: actress Dame Edith ( Mary Booth ). 1888–1976, British actress
  3. EvansSir Geraint (Llewellyn)19221992MWelshMUSIC: operatic baritone Sir Geraint ( Llewellyn ). 1922–92, Welsh operatic baritone
  4. EvansHerbert McLean18821971MUSMEDICINE: anatomistSCIENCE: embryologist Herbert McLean. 1882–1971, US anatomist and embryologist; discoverer of vitamin E (1922)
  5. Mary Ann. real name of (George) Eliot
  6. EvansOliver17551819MUSTECHNOLOGY: engineer Oliver. 1755–1819, US engineer: invented the continuous production line and a high-pressure steam engine
  7. EvansWalker19031975MUSARTS AND CRAFTS: photographer Walker. 1903–75, US photographer, noted esp for his studies of rural poverty in the Great Depression
“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012


/ ĕvənz /

  1. American biologist who discovered vitamin E in 1922 and conducted research that led to the discovery of the growth hormone in the pituitary gland.
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Example Sentences

Murray announced in the summer that the Paris Olympics would be his last tournament, and he made it to the quarter-finals of the men's doubles alongside Dan Evans before bowing out.

From BBC

Derek Evans, from NCA, said the pair operated "like a travel agency", bringing about 100 migrants illegally to Europe each week, over a period of two years.

From BBC

"I have heard figures in the corridors, but nothing official," said Evans Njewa, chair for the Least Developed Countries Group.

From BBC

Working alongside his mom and Florida State University paleoecologist Scott Evans, Hughes uncovered more than 80 of these nematodes at the South Australia site, where the soft-bodied Ediacarans were once plentiful.

Rachel Evans from the Countryside Alliance in Wales said saboteurs had "no place" in the countryside.

From BBC




