ethyl mercaptan
ethyl mercaptan
- A colorless organic liquid that has a very strong odor. It is added to odorless fuel, such as natural gas, and fuel systems as a warning agent in the event of leakage or spills. Also called ethanethiol. Chemical formula: C 2 H 6 S.
Example Sentences
The CAA has also ordered the gas companies to add the pungent ethyl mercaptan to the gas cylinders to make it easier to smell gas leaks.
A few pools of ethyl mercaptan the size of the reservoir in the middle of Central Park could, if spread evenly throughout the atmosphere, make the entire planet smell like a gas leak.
Ethyl mercaptan, the stuff added to natural gas to make gas leaks easier to detect, has an odor detection threshold of just 1 or 2 micrograms per cubic meter.
Andeavor Logistics says a leak in a holding tank spilled an estimated 200 to 600 gallons of ethyl mercaptan Sunday at the Fryburg Rail Loading Facility.
“Out here, this is the pure stuff, pure ethyl mercaptan.”