

esto perpetua

[ es-toh per-pet-oo-ah; English es-toh per-pech-oo-uh ]

  1. may she live forever: motto of Idaho.

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The Idaho state motto is “Esto Perpetua” or “Let It Be Perpetual.”

The English member of Parliament, although ordinarily a very shrewd and sceptical sort of person, was actually so impressed with the earnestness of his Imperial interlocutor that he returned to London and wrote a pamphlet, in which, to the utter amazement of his acquaintances, he backed the Empire of Mexico for a secure existence, and said to it esto perpetua.

Thus let us pray that with pure Christian foundations, the beloved union of States,—the Republic—may be in the quotation of Henry Grattan, 'esto perpetua.'

Their "Esto perpetua," another, is an excellent Wish, if they meant it for their Country; bad, if intended for their Order.

Deeply patriotic,—his last thought was for Venice, "Esto perpetua, may she live forever,"—he held a brief, as it were, for his country, and as her advocate argued her cause before all Europe with brilliant success.




