- U.S. Government. Environmental Protection Agency: an independent federal agency, created in 1970, that sets and enforces rules and standards that protect the environment and control pollution.
- eicosapentaenoic acid: an omega-3 fatty acid present in fish oils.
abbreviation for
- eicosapentaenoic acid: a fatty acid, found in certain fish oils, that can reduce blood cholesterol
- Environmental Protection Agency
Example Sentences
But EPA’s funding remained essentially flat, and inflation continued to grind down its purchasing power and capacity.
Then there are obstacles of the self-imposed variety, including Trump’s choice to head the EPA: former Rep. Lee Zeldin of New York, whose main qualification seems to be loyalty.
Dr Ray Lowry of the British Fluoridation Society notes that the ruling “was not an outright condemnation of fluoride; rather, it suggested that the EPA could investigate further to ensure an adequate safety margin.”
“So as an unofficial advisor at the White House that doesn’t require Senate confirmation, he could really do damage at critical public health agencies like the FDA and the EPA.”
Currently, eight clean air rules await EPA waivers — and some have been waiting for as long as four years.