- end-of-file: a code, marker, or signal used to indicate the end of a file of data.
Example Sentences
Cai and colleagues obtain these variables from an EOF analysis of SST anomalies in the tropical Pacific, which yields two dominant principal-component time series and two associated anomaly patterns5.
Similar issues were highlighted in earlier EoF reports including in 2016, but a lack of strict supervision by traders has led to more forest clearing and illegally grown palm oil entering global supply chains despite their commitments to improve traceability and stop deforestation, the report said.
The EOF program helps low-income students from academically underperforming school districts.
Starace said he expects former Metroweb shareholder F2i to exercise its option to buy up to 30 percent of EOF.
EOF plans to invest up to 3.7 billion euros to lay broadband cables in 250 of Italy's wealthiest and most densely populated cities, covering roughly 9.5 million homes and offices, about a quarter of the market.