

View synonyms for eligible


[ el-i-juh-buhl ]


  1. fit or proper to be chosen; worthy of choice; desirable:

    to marry an eligible bachelor.

    Synonyms: suitable, fitting

    Antonyms: unacceptable, unsuitable, ineligible

  2. meeting the stipulated requirements, as to participate, compete, or work; qualified.
  3. legally qualified to be elected or appointed to office:

    eligible for the presidency.


  1. a person or thing that is eligible:

    Among the eligibles, only a few are running for office.


/ ˈɛlɪdʒəbəl /


  1. fit, worthy, or qualified, as for an office or function
  2. desirable and worthy of being chosen, esp as a spouse

    an eligible young man

“Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged” 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012
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Derived Forms

  • ˈeligibly, adverb
  • ˌeligiˈbility, noun
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Other Words From

  • eli·gi·bili·ty eli·gi·ble·ness noun
  • eli·gi·bly adverb
  • non·eli·gi·ble adjective
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Word History and Origins

Origin of eligible1

First recorded in 1555–65; from Middle French or directly from Late Latin ēligibilis, equivalent to Latin ē- “out of, from” + lig- (combining form of leg-, stem of legere “to choose, select”) + -bilis “capable of, susceptible of, tending to”; e- 1, -ible
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Word History and Origins

Origin of eligible1

C15: from Late Latin ēligibilis able to be chosen, from ēligere to elect
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Example Sentences

Scottish students are eligible for loans while studying and Elise says this made them feel like they had more money.

From BBC

Their legal fight succeeded on Monday in the Brussels Court of Appeal which overturned an earlier court's ruling which found too much time had passed for them to be eligible for reparations.

From BBC

There are 169 eligible feature documentaries competing for the upcoming Oscars, and two of the most acclaimed explore the legacies of colonialism and present-day movements to address them.

Colson could be eligible to return this week after missing four games.

Fewer than 5% of all eligible fathers use shared parental leave.

From BBC


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