

dominant trait

  1. In genetics , a trait that will appear in the offspring if one of the parents contributes it. ( Compare recessive trait .)

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In humans, dark hair is a dominant trait; if one parent contributes a gene for dark hair and the other contributes a gene for light hair, the child will have dark hair.
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Example Sentences

Only a few retain a degree of overt sexuality, but it is not a dominant trait.

He'd never run up against many stresses that brought his dominant trait to the fore.

"She has never been without that divine reason which was her dominant trait," wrote her friend.

If Faustus is to be labelled according to his dominant trait, then let us describe him as the embodiment of sense-gratification.

But it would be incorrect to assume, therefore, that cosmopolitanism is a dominant trait.

His dominant trait was to take all things into earnest consideration.





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