

View synonyms for discordance


[ dis-kawr-dns ]


  1. a discordant state; disagreement; discord.
  2. an instance of this.
  3. Geology. lack of parallelism between adjacent strata, as in an angular unconformity.
  4. (in genetic studies) the degree of dissimilarity in a pair of twins with respect to the presence or absence of a disease or trait.

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Word History and Origins

Origin of discordance1

1300–50; Middle English < Anglo-French discordaunce, descordance; discord, -ance
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Example Sentences

But some people have a “normal” amount of LDL-C, but a high concentration of apoB particles — a condition called “discordance,” which means they are at greater risk.

Juxtaposing Nardelli’s remarks and the settlement points to the discordance in how we define “crime” in the workplace.

As a professional editor, Susan is alert to discordance and senses something is not quite right.

Ms. Garrels’s editors in Washington were watching television and asked her if she wanted to revise her story, given the discordance between her words and the televised images.

There is also a weird thematic discordance when you consider that “Thrones” spent eight seasons showing us the destructive folly of cyclical power struggles, ultimately building to a resolution designed to leave all that behind.



