[ dee-sil-ver ]
Example Sentences
Carrie Blazina and Drew Desilver for the Pew Research Center: “House gets younger, Senate gets older: A look at the age and generation of lawmakers in the 118th Congress”
“The new Congress will have a few more veterans, but their share of lawmakers is still near a record low,” reported Pew Research Center analyst Drew DeSilver.
“The incoming U.S. House of Representatives will have 80 members who’ve served in the military at some level, or 18.4% of the total membership, according to a Pew Research Center analysis of this fall’s election results. That’s up from 75, or 17.2%, in the outgoing Congress. The number of senators who are veterans, 17, will stay the same,” Mr. DeSilver wrote.
The US "consistently comes around the middle or slightly below the middle compared to this peer group of countries," says Drew DeSilver of Pew.
Americans who are registered to vote tend to vote in really high numbers so, DeSilver concludes, if it was easier to register, more Americans would vote.