


  1. a combining form representing demon in compound words:



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Words That Use Demono-

What does demono- mean?

Demono- is a combining form used like a prefix meaning “demon.” It is used in a few technical terms, especially in theology.

Demono- comes from the Greek daimónion, meaning “thing of divine nature” and ultimate source of the English word demon. Among Jewish and Christian writers, daimónion was used to mean “evil spirit.”

What are variants of demono-?

When combined with words or word elements that begin with a vowel, demono- becomes demon-, as in demonism.

Examples of demono-

An example of a word you may have encountered that features demono- is demonology, “the study of demons or of beliefs about demons.”

We know demono- means “demon,” so what does the -logy portion of the word mean? So, what about the -logy portion of the word? It is often used to name sciences, bodies of knowledge, and areas of study. Demonology literally translates to “the study of demons.”

What are some words that use the combining form demono-?

What are some other forms that demono- may be commonly confused with?

Break it down!

The combining form -latry means “worship.” With this in mind, what is the practice of demonolatry?



