Cabeza de Vaca
[ kah-ve-thah the vah-kah, -ve-sah ]
- Ál·var Nú·ñez [ahl, -vah, r, , noo, -nyeth, -nyes], c1490–1557?, Spanish explorer in the Americas.
Example Sentences
Mucho antes de convertirse en director, Del Toro fue maquillador de efectos especiales y conoció a Giménez Cacho en 1990, mientras le aplicaba lodo falso y una barba artificial durante el rodaje de Cabeza de Vaca, la obra de época de Nicolás Echevarría que está ambientada en territorio selvático.
A special effects makeup artist long before becoming a director, Del Toro first met Giménez Cacho in 1990 while applying fake dirt and an artificial beard during the shooting of Nicolás Echevarría’s desert period piece, “Cabeza de Vaca.”
The governor of Tamaulipas, Francisco García Cabeza de Vaca, promised an investigation of the killing Wednesday so that “this cowardly crime does not go unpunished.”
Down the hill is Ojo Caliente, a fleck of a town with a post office, two cafes and a spa with hot springs used by generations of Pueblo people before being named by 16th-century Spanish explorer Álvar Núñez Cabeza de Vaca.
U.S. authorities had trouble getting on the phone with Tamaulipas Gov. Francisco Garcia Cabeza de Vaca.